Panasonic ES-LS9P-K [Men’s Shaver LAMDASH PRO Linear Motor 6-Blades Fully Automatic Cleaning Charger with Semi-Hard Case Craft Black] AC100-240V Shipped from Japan Released in May 2022

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The 5 blade cutting system and the 14,000 CPM linear motor, deliver 70,000 cross cutting action/minute. This provide a smooth, fast shave every time with no power loses or missed whiskers.
The Multi-Flex 5D Head enables closer following of facial contours and closer contact with less irritation for a smoother shave (the head slides, twists, moves up & down, left & right, forward & backward).
The shaving sensor technology recognises differences in the density of your beard as you shave
Three distinct foil patterns work in combination to capture and cut even the most difficult parts of your beard. The acute 30 cutting edge of the inner blades enables an incredibly close shave.
Multi-fit arc blades fit uniformly against the skin, even under the chin, for an extremely close shave.
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